Hi, my name is Vic, and I've been building software for over a decade.

Over ten years ago, I started my career as the technical co-founder of a startup called Dediced, where I tackled all the technical challenges of building a personalized bookmark recommendation engine.

In my most recent role in Reality Labs at Meta, I built the backend system that supports object recognition and recall on an AR platform before I took my parental leave and got impacted by the layoff.

Before that, I spent almost 6 years at Indeed under the search, targeted ads, and profile resume space, where I grew a team from zero to 4 engineers and launched the resume delivery platform across 4 different teams.

Between Meta and Indeed, I spent 2 years at Panopto leading its meeting recording integration features for Cisco Webex and Microsoft Teams.

If you'd like to chat, send me a message on LinkedIn.

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